One of the “dirty little secrets” in the movie poster business are Re-Strikes. They are posters that were printed by NSS (or directly by the studio) for poster dealers (or for other purposes) after a movies original release (sometimes many years after). Sometimes they were authorized, sometimes they weren’t. There are inserts as well as one sheets. May differ slightly or be EXACTLY the same as the first NSS printing. Are they ORIGINAL? IN OUR OPINION THEY ARE NOT ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS!! Usually you can tell it is not, but sometimes it is impossible to tell!! Usually the quality is identical to the originals. This is a very grey area because they come directly from NSS/the studio. There were many Re-Strikes for popular 70’s and 80’s movies (see list below).
Because of all the Re-Strikes for these popular titles, finding an original for these can be quite a challenge.
There were actually price lists available from NSS in the 1980’s for dealers to buy posters! And, if someone had enough money and wanted 2000 one sheets of a title like “Blade Runner” and had the right connections, they could order them!
Some known Re-Strike one sheets:
Star Wars Styles A, B, and C
Blade Runner
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raging Bull
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pulp Fiction
Friday the 13th
Please note that this is not a complete list.