You have a collection of posters and you’d like to find out more about them and possibly sell them and get the best possible price.

This is what usually happens: When a group of posters is sent to us for evaluation, usually 50-60% of them have little if any value, 20-30% have some real value, and about 10% are very valuable.

Please realize that there are many movie posters that are just not worth a lot. Just because something is old does not make it very valuable.

Please also be aware that many non U.S. posters are not very valuable and often do not sell for much when they are auctioned. Sometimes they do sell for a lot, but sometimes they don’t.

If your posters have unattractive defects like tape, stains, holes, etc., the value of them will be severely diminished (in most cases).

If your collection was compiled over the years by a person with discerning taste, most of the posters will likely have significant value.

If you have Disney rerelease posters from the 70’s and 80’s or Disney titles from not very popular films from the 60s, 70s and 80’s, DO NOT SEND THEM to us. We do not want them. They usually sell for very little when they are auctioned. Plenty of them are out there and there is very little demand for them.

“You said my poster is “low value” (it would likely sell for $5.00 to $20.00 if it were auctioned with no reserve) but you have the same one listed for a lot on your website. I do not understand.”

Please understand that this is a retail website and we sell posters for profit to make a living. Just because we have a poster listed for $200.00 does not mean that we will offer you $100.00 for it. Many posters that we have listed under $200.00 can generally be bought by us from wholesalers, at auctions, and from other sources for considerably less. That is just the way it is. If we bought a low valued poster for $5.00 and tried to sell it for $10.00 or even $20.00 we would not be in business very long. Sorry, but we will not go into detail and reveal to you our sources. Try walking into a Mall store and asking them where they get their merchandise because you would like to bypass them and buy it for less.

We often acquire low value posters in bulk lots and pay just pennies for them. The only way to recoup our investment is to price them the way we do. Remember, we are talking about posters that virtually NOBODY wants. For every 10 of these that we take the time to list, maybe one of them will actually sell. Remember, each poster we try and sell is unique. It must be photographed, described in detail with any defects, and cataloged and put up for sale. Each poster takes us at least 30 minutes to an hour to completely process before it becomes part of our inventory. And then, who knows how long it will take us to sell it? Sometimes a poster can sit for several years in our inventory before it is finally sold.

If you have a collection of posters acquired from someone who used to work at a movie theater, please understand that many movie posters from the 1950’s to present day are just not worth a lot. Many of them will sell for less than $10.00 each if they are auctioned. These low value posters we do not want, they are just not worth the time to try and sell them. However, usually within a collection of posters there are some that are quite valuable. These are the posters we are interested in.

If your collection comes from the attic of an old theater, or if it was compiled by a theater employee in the 1980’s and 90’s, most of the collection will usually have little or no real value. Of course, there will always be some “gold” in there. Some of them will be true treasures and be worth a lot, but the majority of them will not.

If you only have posters from the year 2000 until now, please do not bother to contact us. We are sorry, but we will not be interested in them at all.

If you are sending us your posters for Auction Consignment, please do not expect us to get retail prices for them (prices similar to those on this website). Sometimes we can achieve these prices, but please don’t count on it. When we auction posters there is no guarantee that they will sell for what you might think they are worth.


When you decide to sell your posters, depending on how you go about it, there are generally 3 price tiers for movie poster prices/values. For comparison purposes, lets look at two completely different U.S. one sheets graded Excellent to Near Mint C8-C9: Risky Business and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

1. LOW-CASH: The price you get when you sell for CASH to another dealer or sell it yourself on ebay. We can usually pick up a Breakfast at Tiffany’s one sheet for $1200.00 to $2500.00 from an inexperienced eBay seller (one of our clients recently found one on eBay for about $350.00!). We can usually pick up a Risky Business one sheet for $10.00 to $25.00 from an inexperienced ebay seller.

2. MEDIUM-AUCTION: The price you get when you have us, a professional auction company, auction it for you. A Breakfast at Tiffany’s one sheet sold by us in a NO RESERVE auction will probably sell for $4000.00 to $6500.00. After our commission you would get about $3200.00 to $5200.00. A Risky Business one sheet sold by us in a NO RESERVE auction will probably sell for $50.00 to $175.00. After our commission you would get about $30.00 to $125.00. Please read all about our AUCTION CONSIGNMENT program where we show how we are able to get much higher prices than others.

3. HIGH-FIXED PRICE: The price you get with our FIXED PRICE ON SITE CONSIGNMENT program. We are the only major company that is HIGHLY VISIBLE in the movie poster world to offer this service and that is capable of consistently achieving full retail prices. We get much higher prices than any of the major auction houses. We will advertise your poster for sale at a FIXED RETAIL PRICE on our website and in our ebay store. A Breakfast at Tiffany’s one sheet will sell at retail for $7000.00 to $9000.00. After our commission you would get about $5250.00 to $6750.00. (A Risky Business one sheet does not qualify for ON SITE CONSIGNMENT as this service is reserved for posters valued at a minimum of $500.00). The only real potential downside to fixed price on site consignment is that it may take a long time for your items to sell. If you are willing to wait, this is definitely the way to get TOP DOLLAR for your items.

So……..what are your posters worth? Your posters are worth whatever amount YOU can sell them for, or the amount you receive after you have a professional sell them for you.

How much will we offer you in cash for your posters?

Our cash offer price will depend on several criteria: What condition is it in? How rare is the poster? How much can we buy it for on eBay or other auction sites when it becomes available? Do we have a waiting buyer for it? Do we already have one or more in stock? Is it a desirable poster that moves quickly? Generally (but not always) if we want a poster for our inventory we will pay what the poster normally sells for at auction. This price could be as low as 25% of our website retail price or as high as 80% of our website retail price.

Please note that if you send us posters that we do not want (posters that are undesirable because they are unattractive, or because they are in bad shape), posters that are slow sellers, multiple copies of the same poster, newer titles, or if we already have one or more in our inventory, our cash offer may be less.

Please note that posters with unattractive defects like large tears, stains, water damage, missing paper, fading, etc. will be worth just a fraction of what they would be without these defects. Posters in this condition may or may not be suitable for linen backing/restoration.

Please realize that we offer 3 options for selling your posters:
1. Auction Consignment
2. Fixed Price On Site Consignment
3. Cash

PLEASE BE AWARE: If you send us posters valued at less than $500.00 for Auction Consignment, please do NOT expect us to achieve a “retail” price for them when we auction them. Sometimes we do achieve retail (prices comparable to posters we have for sale at a fixed price on this site), but usually auction results are much less than these prices.

PLEASE DO NOT BE “DELUSIONAL” Collectors sometimes think their posters are worth much more than they really are. Often times when we offer to buy posters for cash we hear “But that is half of what I bought it for” or “I saw it for sale on eBay for twice that amount”. Please understand that anyone can put a high price on anything and try to sell it. Just because someone is asking $1000.00 for an item doesn’t mean they won’t sell it for $500.00. Also please understand that if we are buying your posters for cash we will be re selling them and need to make a profit.

Please be aware that most people with collections to sell do choose Auction or Fixed Price CONSIGNMENT rather than CASH because they will usually get MORE MONEY than if we purchase them.

After we evaluate your posters and quote you a price, in the unlikely event that you do not wish to sell us your posters or have us sell them for you, we will gladly ship them back to you.

If you only have posters from the year 2000 until now, please do not bother to contact us. We are sorry, but we will not be interested in them at all.

Please email or call us at 602 309 0500 if you wish to submit your posters for a quick cash sale.

Typical Prices Realized for Some Popular

One Sheet Movie Posters:

(After commission, in C8-C9 EX-NM condition or better.)

Risky Business 1983 $20-$50 $30-$250 n/a
Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961 $350-$2500 $3200-$5200 $5250-$9750
Star Wars Style D 1977 $100-$150 $300-$850 n/a
Jaws 1975 $100-$450 $450-$1900 $900-$3950
Pulp Fiction (Regular) 1994 $100-$150 $300-$500 n/a
Vertigo 1958 $1500-$2500 $2500-$5000 $4500-$8500
The Terminator 1984 $50-$300 $200-$500 n/a
Forbidden Planet 1956 $3500-$7500 $6500-$12000 $11500-$25000


Please note: The above price ranges are estimates and are not set in stone. Accurate as of January 2017.